I've added a new album I've simply entitled Shekou - March 2009.
The picture above is a sign posted in our building next to the elevators. They post things from time to time about safety, energy conservation, etc. This one is about pets in the building. Read closely (if you can see it) #4.
Amazing! A country that allows their children to pee and poo on the sidewalks in broad daylight issues warnings about pets.
We had a good chuckle about the warning and the wording of the message.
Anyway, the other pictures are of Griffey who is the best dog in the world and of Jamie's trip to the Shenzhen Museum. She went with a few co-workers this past Saturday to scout it out for an upcoming field trip for our students. She wrote questions down for them, and they'll need to do a scavenger hunt to find the answers.
There are also a few pictures from St. Patrick's Day. We spent it at an Irish pub just downstairs in SeaWorld with some co-workers and friends.
I spent 21 hours over the weekend working on Chapter 2 of my dissertation. I have hired a Chinese teacher at the school to help me with some research and translations. She is very bright and should be a huge help. I am hoping to be finished with Chapter 2 sometime in the next couple of weeks.
Jamie is heading back to Georgia to see her grandfather who has become ill. She will leave Saturday morning and then come back the following Saturday arriving here Sunday to return to work Monday. I'll keep you posted concerning that.
Hope all is well with everyone.