We have just 2 more school days before our winter break. We'll be off from December 13 until January 5th. It'll be a nice break for us. This semester has flown by and we can't believe that half of the school year is almost up. Our students have just finished Unit 4 of 10 units in all of our classes and have completed some amazing work. The quality of work these students turn in is simply amazing compared to the work of students we taught at home. Let me rephrase, while at home, you would receive 3 quality tests, projects, A's on an assessment, here you might have 6 out of 15 have an A, and the rest have a B. Students who are not as proficient in English are usually the only one's who will receive a P, which means they are still in "P"rogress.
Thailand is still on and we are excited about it. We'll leave on Friday night in Bangkok. I'll repost our itinerary so you can follow us. I'll also be posting every day and try to upload as many pictures as possible. As you can tell, I really enjoy my new camera and take numerous pictures everywhere we go. I have included a map of Thailand here and will use it a few times as we travel around. You can see boxed in red Bangkok, Chang Mai, and Koh Chang Island. These are the 3 places we'll be seeing.
Griffey is tentatively scheduled to be shipped over here on January 1, 2009. I am excited yet very very worried about his trip. Yes, many animals are shipped every day, but of those many animals, none of them are my precious dog. I probably will not sleep on New Year's Eve because I'll be worried about him. That is fine because we'll be Hong Kong anyway that night, so there should be plenty to do.
Just wanted to update everyone. Haven't had too many people join or post on our message board. It might be a bust, but I really think it would be a great place for people to post thoughts concerning topics. It doesn't take long.
Just a reminder that you can find links for the message board and our entire photo album under our email addresses at the top of the page. I can figure out how to make them larger. Of all of the cool features on blogspot yet it won't let me make those 2 things larger.
Thanks for your continued support in reading our blog. I check to see how many "hits" we have every day. As of now, the number averages about 20 per day. I'm assuming most of these are ones who have committed to be followers. Kudos to you!
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