From Jamie's Philippines Pics

We have also had the opportunity to travel to some amazing places in China, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Bali. We have archived all of our travels and living experiences abroad; and if you wish, you can read about our adventures by finding the archives on the right of this page and by checking our Photo Album.

We appreciate all of our family and friends who have stayed in touch and emailed us with encouraging words throughout the year. We hope you will continue to keep us in your thoughts as we continue our adventure of living abroad teaching at an international school. For those who have stumbled upon our site, check out the "About Eric and Jamie" section on the right for more information.

Thanks for checking us out!

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness."
- Mark Twain

"Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends."
- Maya Angelou






Skype: "ericandjamie"



Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hotels Combined Plug

It is amazing the emails you receive when you have a blog. I receive some from companies wanting to advertise and some random people who have searched for something about Cambodia or something. It is really interesting, and I've enjoyed hearing from all types of people. I received this email from someone from Hotels Combined. I figure I'd give it a shot, and maybe it'll make a difference. I checked out their site, and it seems legit and actually pretty well organized and layed out. Check it out at...

Hotels Combined

Here is the excerpt they sent me. I thought I'd just use it verbatim:

"Hotels Combined is a leading price comparison system used by over 25 million people every year. We aggregate and compare accommodation prices from all major sources such as,, and many more. We are a free research tool helping users find the best priced accommodation option. If required, the reservation is made directly on the compared websites (,, Priceline etc..)

I'm posting because of the promotion they offered for this "Spread the Word for Charity"...

"Every time a new blogger mentions us we donate $20 to one of the selected charities (WWF, World Vision or Make-A-Wish Foundation)"

Check it out if you want. They seem to have some good stuff. I've used them for searching and it seems to have a pretty comprehensive offering of hotels internationally and in the States.

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