Here is a couple of billboard size signs that are posted in Shekou. Keeping to Chinese efficiency, the Chinese government wants to remind people not be lazy and keep working hard. These are the only two signs we've seen, but I'm willing to bet there are several more. Interesting propaganda. I wonder what signs in the U.S. would say? Anyone want to take a stab in the comments section on this post?
Jamie and I couldn't find the steps for the entrace to the mountain, so we decided to just walk around Shekou instead. We walked for a couple of hours and actually ended up at Wal-Mart, which just goes to show that all roads lead to Wal-Mart.
I took a few pictures including the two here of some sites in Shekou, and I have added them to China Album 2 at the bottom and even put them at the front of the slideshow. Be sure to check them out.
We are now watching the closing ceremonies of the 2008 Olympic Games. It has been a great one and one that I'm sure people will not forget. Jamie and I will never forget it as we remember every four years for the Olympic Games where we were in 2008. Great show so far and somewhat sad as the games come to a close. If you get a chance to watch it in primetime in the states, be sure to check it out.
Tomorrow is our first full day with students, and we are quite excited and anxious to get started. We both went in to work for several hours this weekend to get things straigtened away. Wish us luck!
Speaking of language... These questions occured to me while watching the Olympics.
There are so many awkward translations floating around, I've often wondered if the "asian character" shirts and tattoos that people get here in the states mean what they think they do. Those at this link for example:
I've heard that the Chinese dictionary is arranged by the number of strokes in a character. What if two characters have the same number. Do different strokes have a higher precedence - vertical beats horizontal or straight beats curved, for instance? (or character of man with rock beats character of man with scissors?)
In English, you can break a word down to letters and phonemes and build at least an approximate sound for a word on the fly. How is a sound determined for a character? Are there a smaller set of characters used as phonics for the assembly of word sounds? (perhaps that's how a Chinese keyboard works?)
And how about the reverse? How is a word sound translated into a character?
Do they have braille?
Things to consider as you roam.
- David B
Much of Colorado restricts the number and height of billboards to keep from blocking the view of the mountains, so there are very few here. When I go to other cities they seem to be everywhere. I can't recall ever seeing a government message designed to contribute the success of me or my country. Maybe buckle-up or don't drink and drive. Currently, most say Vote for or against someone or something. President, abortion, gay marriage, trash pickup on Wednesday, a tax resolution or whatever. That's positive I guess. Or the ever-present homeland security threat level board that seems to be in every public or government building. It's always nice to know just how frightened we should be at any given moment. Much appreciated.
-David B
Uncle Dave can think of the most interesting things. When we had our motel Lady Bird Johnson had made sure billboards were completely banned in our county.
Uncle Gerry
I especially like that the government tells us how scared we should be by making it easy for us. They color code it. Sesame Street generations. Today kids... the threat level is RED, so you should be reeeeeaaaaaalllllllyyyyyyy scared!
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